
AOS has a unique blend of state of the art, internationally recognised and supported core systems as well as complex in-house developed administration systems in its environment.


PFS-PAXUS is an integrated application system intended specifically for use by the hedge fund & asset administration industry. Unlike other applications that are in use in the industry which were intended for banks or conventional fund management situations, PFS-PAXUS was designed specifically with the needs of the hedge fund administration industry. Major gaps in existing systems such as multi-series unit pricing, partnership allocation, administration fee calculation, management fee calculation, incentive fees, high watermarks, hurdle rates and equalisation are all supported by PFS-PAXUS.


Ireport is a secure reporting web portal that enables investors, advisors, administrators and other authorised third parties to access their own or client’s information online. Ireport is currently set up to report directly off Finworks and Paxus platforms, supporting LISP and Unit Trust products. With its predefined data mapping structures ireport can be easily customised to report off most Investment platforms on the market. It also allows for online onboarding of new investors and transactability in certain of the products available on AOS’s Itransact platform.


The FinWorks system is a fully hosted solution offered on a SaaS (software as a service) model where FinWorks take care of all the supporting technology around the system, including hardware, security, hosting and other infrastructure requirements. The system is maintained and upgraded on an ongoing basis. FinWorks can handle traditional CIS administration and has all the required product layers built in.